Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I Should Have Been a Libra

Those born under the sign of Libra are supposedly peacemakers and proponents of balance in society. What I'm about to post is evidence I should have been a Libra instead of a Leo.

Something that really bothers me about many gay and lesbian people is their inability to respect the rights of others to determine their sexuality. For a group of people so insistent on being respected, many of them have a problem with that concept themselves.

An example of this is with the character of Felix currently on General Hospital. (I know, I just referenced a soap opera. Sue me.) He has a huge crush on another character named Milo. Up until Felix's appearance, Milo's character was written without any question regarding his sexuality. Within the context of the story, Felix keeps wondering if Milo is in the closet, spending time with him in hopes of helping him out of said closet, and discussing this situation with other people. Milo has stated more than once, in very respectful terms no less, that he is straight. In my book, that should have been enough for Felix, regardless of his feelings. No further efforts should have been expended to uncover some secret sexual desire hitherto unknown. And he certainly shouldn't have been talking to a bunch of other people about it.

Within the context of the writing of the story, I see signs that the new executive producer and head writer are gradually building up to a "Milo Comes Out" story. This saddens me deeply. It provides one more example for people to point at of a liberal bias in the media. It's sad because, in large measure, it's true. Can't we please leave our personal agendas at the door when dealing with these very sensitive issues? Personal bias distorts truth, and it's only in the truth that we are all made free. I really hope I'm wrong about General Hospital. I really like that show.

I also hope that, in the realm outside of TV, more and more people will truly respect each other. When someone says they're straight, leave them alone. If someone says they're gay, leave them alone. Or strike up a lively discourse on the weather and end up being really good friends. Just don't decide for someone else how they feel, and please don't tell them how to behave. (Unless they're trying to kill someone. Then you have every right to stop them.)

I said this would be a place for me to rant. Well, here it is.

1 comment:

  1. A very thought out position that tries to see things from all sides. A valid point. Bravo.
