Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Joining Up

This post was started on May 20, 2014 and finished today, July 15, 2014.

Today I declared a party affiliation for the first time in twenty-plus years of voting.

I wrestled with this decision for months while I watched the political clouds gather before today's storm. It wasn't so much a question of which party to declare but whether or not I was violating my commitment to truth if I followed through with the course of action I was considering.

In the end, I sold out to power. If my vote was to have any potency at all to direct the course of things affecting me, I had to identify myself as a Republican. Frankly, it was worth it. The people I was most afraid of didn't win and the people who did win are people under whose rule I can live.

Even though I fear we're all headed for a big crash, I have to do what I can within the limits of my integrity to prevent it. Those limits were just redefined a little this time.

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