Thursday, November 15, 2012

A Very Good Place to Start

Two days ago, wisdom and reason deserted me. I was coming down with a cold and not feeling entirely myself, so I vented a thought to my Facebook wall about the 12th Article of Faith in the LDS Church. I had seen so much negativity and could no longer keep from taking it personally. As a gay man, it seemed that I was being held responsible for the downfall of the United States. My fellow citizens felt it was time to part ways because I was so repugnant. I was the epitome of "abomination." (Look that up in the LDS Bible Dictionary.)

After making the post, I had to leave my apartment for a couple of hours, and I was totally unprepared for the avalanche of emotion and conflict I found when I returned. Even after I asked for it to stop, it kept coming. Two family members were very upset with me, and one person unfriended me after making some very snide, cynical observations about my character.

Over the past two days, I've been debating with myself about what course of action I should take. It is obvious to me that right now, if I wish to maintain relationships with some people, I need to keep my thoughts and feelings to myself. It's important to me because I've found that the only way to create harmony between people of opposing views is to love them. I can't do that if they cut themselves off from me. However, I also need a place to be myself. So, from now on, when I have something to say, this will be my first resort. The public forum of Facebook will only contain thoughts that I've considered carefully. If it's there, it's intentional. This blog will be where I explore my thoughts and feelings so I can clarify them, distill them, and master them. Feel free to help me in that process.

That said, I will have no problem editing, deleting, or otherwise controlling the response I receive here. This is my safe place, people. If you're here, it's by invitation. You are my guest and I expect you to behave like one. If you find yourself booted for any reason, cry foul all you want. You've been warned and I will not care.

So, let's start at the very beginning...


  1. It's sad that you can't post whatever you want to Facebook. However, I feel the same way when it comes to the wide variety of friends. I kind of experienced the same thing about this Victoria's Secret Native American Headdress, and I thought people were overreacting and just looking to be offended, not keeping in mind my Native American friends.

    1. Or the fact that you, too, have Native American blood...and Mormon roots.

  2. I feel the same way Trent! BLOG AWAY!!!!!

  3. Trent, my love, I can honestly say that I did not find your post offensive in the least. In fact, you had the bravery to say something that I had been thinking myself. My husband and I both said "Amen!" when I read it to him. As a member of the church, I am SHOCKED that so many people took offense to something that was really so obviously wrong with their complaints. Then again, you were calling them out on their inability to follow the articles of the religion that they claim to be dedicated members of. No one likes to eat crow, but don't feel bad for serving them a heaping dish of it. If anything, even with the unfriending and anger that happened, it probably got them to think about what they were really doing and saying, and I think that counts for a lot.

    1. Thank you. I really wasn't trying to call anyone out on anything. I was just tired, hurt, and scared. I think a lot of "the haters" are feeling that way too. Fear is usually where hate comes from.

  4. You are fabulous, dipped in rhinestones, sprinkled with awesome sauce! Love it!

  5. Sure love you Trent! It's sad that things like that get out of hand so quickly.

    1. Love you, too, man! Life's too short to hate, right?

  6. I loved your post!! You did what I lacked the courage to do. That very day I was creating Facebook posts in my head on the utter ridiculousness coming through on that forum. I did not post one of them. But you did and it was fantastic! Me thinks you struck pretty close to home to illicit such a response... Chin up friend! You are greatly admired.

    1. Thanks. I guess delirious Facebook posts aren't always bad then. :-)

  7. Just went back and read your FB thread. Angels are weeping. Looking forward to your blog!

    1. I wish this was Facebook and I could "Like" your comment.

  8. Trent, I've found the same exact thing. I post nonsense on facebook because no matter what I say I get a lot of vitriolic hate afterwards. No one needs that. Frankly, I love that you speak truth! Everyone needs to be slapped with the other side of any issue every so often, and you do so in an eloquent and heartfelt way. So forget the haters and continue to be you. Because you my friend, are amazing!

  9. 2 days before the election I oosted this on FB:

    "I have and will continue to support the President of the United States. Whether the President be a Democrat, a Republican, a Libertarian, Independent, Whig, Federalist, or anything else.
    I will support my President. I will support the results of a democratic election. When a president is elected - it will not matter whether or not I voted for him/her. I will never hope that a president "fails." After all - if the captain fails steering the ship, everyone on board goes down. I will work hard to elect the person I think best for the job, but then whatever decision is made, I will work to support that decision. I love this country and will support and sustain my President as the leader of my country."

    I had some friends question me on it - so I quoted to them the 12th article of faith.

    I find it encouraging that we thought the same thing - but sad that I was subtely attacked and you were outright bludgeoned for having the same view.

    I'll keep trying to help the far right see things in a better light - don't give up. People will come around.

    1. I keep telling myself the Beatles were right that all we need is love. Your friendship gives me hope. :-)

  10. Oh Trent! You are such a loving and honest person and I always know that your heart is sincere. I love having talks with you, even if we may disagree because you are candid and just Trent! I hope that I haven't made you feel as you have described! I love you and value our friendship (and "familyship).

    1. BTW this is Tiffany. But you probably already knew that! :)

    2. We're good, Tiff! I don't ever worry about us. :-)

  11. I love reading what you write. Post on!

  12. blogs are a great way to vent! sorry that fb has become a battleground of sorts. :( can keep loving people, and in the absence of their presence, to can always pray for them
